Tuesday, July 21, 2009

God is on both sides

It's a concept that changes everything but I'm not sure how.

God is on both sides of every transaction.

I'm thinking of the kinds of transactions that cause people to doubt
God's very existence or at least his loving nature. Things like
rapes, assaults, beatings, attacks, aggressions of all sorts. If God
is equally vested in the eternal well-being of both the perpetrator
and the victim, if God views each of them as a beloved child, albeit
perhaps a severely wayward child - how does it change things?

It has me wondering who's really "doing" what to whom? Who really is
in charge of the transaction? What if through the so-called victim,
God actually is accomplishing something sacred beyond our comprehension. Something involving the salvation and sanctification of all?

What if in some cosmic sense the so-called victim is actually an accomplice?

A strange idea? For sure. One that get's even stranger when we include the suffering of animals under human jurisdiction.

Yet, isn't something like this what was going on at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?


DeAnn said...

I am coming to understand/accept (not quite) the woven texture of our interactions during "life". To me the real deal is that God (unknowable yet familiar) can be trusted. God is good at this stuff-shaping us in collaboration with ourselves via our choices. This stuff doesn't make much sense to us bc we are limited by our perspective the perspectve outside the garden of Genesis. There are two players (and their buddies) ones end game is restoration the others is - not . I think the life and death of Gods son is An example of an expression of that trust And how hard it is when stuff hurts but that is where choices become significant. Those are the places of collaboration as we become who we will be when we stand before God. ~ I'm typing this on a tiny screen I can see much of this comment. An d I just hope it makes sense! I've been interested in what your thinking about here

DeAnn said...

Couldn't see

gmc said...

Hi DeAnn: re - "doesn't make much sense to us bc we are limited by our perspective"

Yes, which is why at some point when I think about these things my head starts to hurt and I stop ;-)...

I'm currently reading Greg Boyd and he's full of ideas that challenge many classical views of God's nature I was raised on ... as well as the nature of "time" and "future," ... ouch ...